

Our Journey of Compassion and Restoration

Restoring with Compassion: Meet the Founders of 360 Remediation

Meet Nikita, the passionate founder of 360 Remediation, as she shares her story and the heartfelt commitment that drives her to bring compassion and restoration to homes and businesses affected by disasters.

For Nikita, the purpose of 360 Remediation extends far beyond the physical restoration of properties. It is about restoring hope and helping clients navigate through the challenging process of rebuilding. With her heartfelt commitment and genuine dedication, Nikita and her team work tirelessly to provide transparent communication, personalized support, and top-notch craftsmanship. Their mission is to bring peace of mind to clients by guiding them through the restoration journey with empathy, expertise, and unwavering support.

Our Restoration Experts

At 360 Remediation, our team is comprised of dedicated professionals who are passionate about restoring lives and properties. Get to know the individuals behind the scenes who bring expertise, compassion, and unwavering commitment to every restoration project.

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With over 10 years of industry experience, I embarked on a journey that led me to found 360 Remediation. It all began when I started in a human resources role with a restoration company in Lloydminster, AB. Little did I know, this would ignite my passion for the industry. When the Canmore flooding struck, I was called to take on a new role, and that's when everything changed. I immersed myself in courses, attended job sites, and even got my hands dirty with tear outs, all to truly understand the role of a project manager.

During this time, I discovered something profound. I found immense joy in providing exceptional customer service, going above and beyond for those in need. Working for larger companies was a valuable experience, but I felt a shift. I realized that maintaining a "heart on sleeve" approach was essential, ensuring that every client feels seen, heard, and supported.

Now, as the founder of 360 Remediation, my mission is to restore not just homes and businesses but also hope and peace of mind. I believe in treating every client as a fellow human, and I want you to know that I am in your corner, ready to guide you through the restoration process. Together, let's transform disaster into a journey of recovery and renewal.

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My name is Megan Andersen. I have been a part of the restoration industry since 2016. The knowledge and confidence that I have acquired over the years has been nothing short of amazing. This industry can offer so much, the ability to be able to step into someone’s life during a disaster and help as much as possible and bring someone’s home and life back together is a feeling that cannot be replaced. I met Nikita the founder and owner of 360 Restoration Ltd just short of a year ago. We both share the drive and passion for this industry, that being said when Nikita was ready to start her own company, I was more that excited and willing to be part of the team! Our goal is to help in any way we can, to bring families, and property owners’ piece of mind and assurance when bringing there homes back to the way they were before disaster struck. Trust us to get the job done and to get your home back on track in the safest and most efficient way possible.